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Good Books By Lamplight: Diana Cacy Hawkins

I blog about books. Love multiple genres.  I'm a publisher for others besides publishing my own books.


The Confederacy of Steam is a worldwide organization, based in America, whose main purpose is to wipe out the zombie plague, wherever it may strike. Young Doctor Orloff, along with his Zombie Extermination team is the inventor, fabricator and technician of the Confederacy.

A collection of 5 stories and a poem, published by Marion Margaret Press. Edited by Ron Leming.

Story #1: Calcaneus Bishop and the Legacy of the Sraavanya Sutra By William R.D. Wood
Story #2: Zombies Against the Confederacy By Melanie Dixon
Poem: Zombie Love by Tammy Dominguez
Story #3: A Splendid Little Outing by John Lance
Story #4: The Death Baron by J. A. Ryker
Story #5: The Music of Life and Death By Sherry D. Ficklin

